
Toolbox for "audio cubes"

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Helper Scripts

Storyland Encrypter

A bash script to facilitate encrypting any mp3 file into a storyland compatible exists under the scripts folder.


  • audiocube
  • eyed3 (apt install eyed3)

Created and tested on Linux systems, but should be possible to port.


Execute the script with:

cd scripts
./ /path/to/file.mp3 17

to convert file.mp3 into L0017.SMP. ID3 tags will be automatically set to create a compatible file and a CSV file with the NFC data will be created under the encrypted folder.

Alternatively use:

cd scripts
./ /path/to/file.mp3 17 --nonfc

to not create the CSV file containing NFC data.

In both cases, an index.txt file holding information for the file will be created. If the index file exists, new information will be appended.